We’re happy to report that two Digital Scholarship Group projects have received grant funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to pursue projects in digital humanities research and pedagogy.
The TAPAS (TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service) project has received funding to begin development of the TAPAS Classroom, an initiative to support teaching and learning the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) using TAPAS. This exciting next phase of development has been made possible in part by a Digital Humanities Start-up Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and also through the continued support of the TEI Consortium and the Northeastern University Library’s Digital Scholarship Group. TAPAS Classroom will extend the current project infrastructure to include features and services that will allow TAPAS users to store and share teaching materials (such as syllabi and assignments), view TEI data in innovative ways, and support student encoding in a sandbox environment. Planning began in May and development will continue into fall 2017. To read more about the features being developed for TAPAS Classroom and find out how you can get involved, see here.
And the Women Writers Project has just received funding for a three-year, $290,000, project from the National Endowment for the Humanities, focusing on intertextuality in early women’s writing. Starting in October 2016, the WWP will begin work on Intertextual Networks, a collaborative research initiative that will examine the citation and quotation practices of the authors represented in Women Writers Online (WWO) to explore and theorize the representation of intertextuality.
For this project, the WWP will assemble a collaborative research team that includes faculty, graduate students, and members of the WWP staff, representing a diverse set of perspectives and expertise. Each member of the collaborative group will pursue a research project engaging with materials from WWO, to be published in Women Writers in Context, the WWP’s open-access publication series. We will also be developing interface tools for exploring intertextual connections and patterns and expanding our encoding of intertextual features such as quotation and citation in the WWO collection. For more details on this project and to submit a proposal, see here.
To follow the progress of these projects, please visit the TAPAS news page and the WWP’s blog.
Intertextual Networks and TAPAS Classroom have been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this project, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
This post was written by Sarah Connell, Project Manager at the Women Writers Project.