The DSG offers workshops and training sessions on a wide range of topics at both introductory and advanced levels.

Topics covered have included TEI, Omeka, the Digital Repository Service, copyright and fair use, data curation and creation, GIS, data visualization, and project management. We also co-sponsor Digital Humanities (DH) Office Hours with NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks.

If we do not have a workshop scheduled on the topic you need, please contact us to request one.


DH Open Office Hours
April 14th, 2025 (Monday) | 12:00-1:00 pm| 360 Snell

For many digital scholarship research projects one of the first steps is digitizing analog and paper materials. Managing the digitization well is crucial to a successful digital project. Kim Kennedy, the Digital Production Librarian, will provide an introduction to how to plan and manage a digitization project. Come hear how the library can help support your digitization plans and needs, as well as some of the interesting work of the Library’s Digital Production Services


Wikipedia Edit-a-thon: Queer & Trans Women of New England

 March 8, 2025 (Saturday) |12:00 pm  – 5:00pm| The Mezzanine computer lab and conference rooms, Central Library at Copley Square

This International Women’s Day, join The History Project for a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon celebrating queer and trans women who’ve shaped New England’s history!

Too many incredible LGBTQ+ figures are missing from Wikipedia, and we’re here to change that. Whether you’re a seasoned editor or have never hit “edit” in your life, we welcome you to help expand the digital footprint of our queer past.

We’ll have two mini-trainings (at 12:30 PM & 3:00 PM), plus History Project volunteers on hand to help you get started. We’ll provide reference materials, guidance, and plenty of queer camaraderie—you can bring your own laptop or tablet pr use BPL’s computers in the computer lab. (BPL’s free WiFi has you covered).

Come for the history, stay for the community. Let’s make the internet a little gayer together!

This program was generously funded by The Howard Cooper LGBTQ+ Endowment Fund.

Register HERE to join the event!

Douglass Day 2025

Feb 14, 2025 (Friday) | 12:00 pm- 1:00pm (EST) | 360 Snell

Join the Digital Scholarship Group, Archives and Special Collections, the Women Writers Project, and the NULab for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences for a transcribe-a-thon in celebration of Douglass Day, an event honoring the life and birthday of Frederick Douglass. We are excited to celebrate Douglass Day this year as part of Black History Month and Love Data Week.

Organized by The Colored Conventions Project in 2017, Douglass Day brings thousands of people together nationwide to contribute to crowdsourced projects that improve digital access to Black history and culture. Douglass Day 2025 will take on a larger breadth of materials, focusing on the African American Perspectives Collection at the Library of Congress. Materials you can look forward to transcribing include speeches, sermons, biographies, narratives, and records from Frederick Douglass, William Still, Angelina Grimké Weld, and other activists. Explore the collection ahead of the event or jump in during the transcribe-a-thon.  

RSVP is required for both in-person and virtual participation. Please bring a laptop or tablet if you are joining us in person. No prior experience in transcribing is required to join this event. 

This event is free and open to the public.

Feb 14, 2023 (Tue) | 11:30AM–12:30PM (EST) | Snell 211 and Zoom (
RSVP for link)

Join the Digital Scholarship Group, the Women Writers Project, and the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks in our celebration of Douglass Day, an event honoring the life and birthday of Frederick Douglass. At this event, we will transcribe the papers of Mary Ann Shadd Cary, one of the earliest Black women to edit a newspaper, serve as a Civil War recruiter, attend law school, and so much more.

Our Douglass Day celebration is free and open to the public. No previous experience is necessary!

This event will be hybrid: please join us in-person in the Digital Scholarship Commons (211 Snell Library) or online via Zoom. No RSVP is necessary if you plan to come in person, but please RSVP for the Zoom link if you would like to join remotely. Please bring a laptop or tablet if you are joining us in person. 

This event connects with the national Douglass Day, an annual celebration organized, in part, by The Colored Conventions Project, with local events happening across the country on February 14.

Douglass Day is made possible by a large number of partners and supporters. They include: The Center for Black Digital Research at Penn State, the Colored Conventions Project, the Anna Julia Cooper Digital Project, the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center at Howard University, the Princeton University Center for Digital Humanities, the PSU Libraries, the PSU Center for Humanities and Information, and the PSU College of Liberal Arts, the American Studies Association for a Community Partnership Grant, Zooniverse, and By The People at the Library of Congress.

Mar 15, 2023 (Wed) | 12PM–1PM (EST) | Zoom (
RSVP for link)

Please join the Digital Scholarship Group and the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks for a set of lightning talks on March 15, 12–1pm (Eastern) as part of the DH Open Office Hours series. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required for the Zoom link. RSVP here.

This year’s virtual event will feature lightning talks that highlight the diverse array of digital projects and research being carried out at Northeastern. Join us to learn about projects and methods in digital scholarship and meet others interested in or practicing digital scholarship from the Northeastern and Boston DH communities.

The panel will feature lightning talks by:

  • Nabeel Gillani (CAMD, Art + Design; DMSB, Marketing) on using computational and design-based methods to foster pluralism: an inclusive response to diversity in society.
  • Kasya O’Connor Grant (History) on the Power’s Inversions project, which explores the use of public space and private space before, during, and after the three-day “riot” called the “Battle of the Bogside.”
  • Hunter Moskowitz (History) on the Mexican Textile Factories, 1843–1857 project, which shares data on individual textile factories in Mexico in the mid nineteenth century.
  • Christopher Parsons (History) on the Visualizing the 1721 Epidemic project, which re-examines smallpox’s footprint in colonial Boston, analyzing differential experience and impact of illness in the city’s past and present.
  • Laura Perovich (CAMD, Art + Design) on current research into strategies for displaying data with communities and through embodied interaction.

Following the talks, there will be questions and discussion among the presenters and attendees. We hope to see you there!

Dec 6, 2022 (Tue) | 11AM–12PM (EST) | Zoom (
RSVP for link)

On December 6, 2022, at 11am EST over Zoom, the Digital Scholarship Group and NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks will be hosting a DH Open Office Hours in which Mindy Seu, assistant professor at the Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts, will give a presentation titled “The Translation of Cyberfeminism” based on her book Cyberfeminism Index.

In Cyberfeminism Index, hackers, scholars, artists, and activists of all regions, races and sexual orientations consider how humans might reconstruct themselves by way of technology. When learning about internet history, we are taught to focus on engineering, the military-industrial complex, and the grandfathers who created the architecture and protocol. However the internet is not only a network of cables, servers, and computers. It is an environment that shapes and is shaped by its inhabitants and their use. In this talk, the book’s editor Mindy Seu will introduce the translations across media of the multiple stages of this project.

Mindy Seu is a designer and researcher. She holds an MDes from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design and BA in Design Media Arts from University of California, Los Angeles. As a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for the Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, she created an archive of cyberfeminism. She has also been a fellow at the Internet Archive, co-organizing the Arts Track of the inaugural Decentralized Web Summit. Formerly she was a designer on 24’s Interactive Media team and the Museum of Modern Art’s in-house design studio. She has given lectures and workshops at CalArts, Parsons, Pratt, RISD, Berkeley Art Museum, and A-B-Z-TXT, among others. Seu joined the faculty of California College of the Arts in 2016, and Mason Gross School of the Arts and Yale’s School of Art in 2019.

This event is free and open to the public, and the Zoom link will be provided upon registration. RSVP here.

Dec 1, 2022 (Thu) | 12–1PM (EST) | Zoom (
RSVP for link)

On December 1, 2022, 12–1pm, the Digital Scholarship Group, in collaboration with the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks, College of Arts, Media and Design, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, will be hosting a talk by MIT professor and CAMD affiliate Catherine D’Ignazio, titled “Counting Feminicide: What Data Scientists Can Learn from Grassroots Feminist Activists.”

Critiques and exposés of big data, artificial intelligence and the political economies of platforms have been mounting in recent years, with scholars exposing their extractivist and discriminatory logics with concepts like the New Jim Code (Benjamin), surveillance capitalism (Zuboff), automated inequality (Eubanks), and data colonialism (Couldry, Mejias, Ricaurte). How, then, can those of us who work with data science and AI use such tools in the service of equity, justice and liberation? In this talk, I make the case that data scientists, researchers, and planners can learn a great deal from the data practices of grassroots feminist activists working across the Americas to produce counterdata about feminicide – fatal gender-related violence against women and girls. Drawing from a large-scale participatory action research project called Data Against Feminicide, I will describe how data activists enact alternative epistemological approaches to data science that center care, memory and justice. These informatic practices constitute a form of “epistemic disobedience” to the reigning logics of data science. This talk, and the forthcoming book that it draws from, make the case that feminicide data activists are at the forefront of a data ethics that rigorously and consistently takes power and people into account.

Catherine DIgnazio is a scholar, artist/designer and hacker mama who focuses on feminist technology and data justice. She has run reproductive justice hackathons, designed global news recommendation systems, and created talking and tweeting water quality sculptures. With Rahul Bhargava, she built the platform, a suite of tools and activities to introduce newcomers to data science. Her book, Data Feminism (MIT Press 2020), co-authored with Lauren F. Klein, charts a course for more ethical and empowering data science practices. Since 2019, she has co-organized Data Against Feminicide, a participatory action-research-design project, with Silvana Fumega and Helena Suárez Val. DIgnazio‘s forthcoming book, Counting Feminicide: Data Feminism in Action (MIT Press 2024), highlights how the data science practices of grassroots feminist activists across the Americas have a lot to teach mainstream practitioners about using data science in the service of justice. DIgnazio is an Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. She is also Director of the Data + Feminism Lab which uses data and computational methods to work towards gender and racial justice, particularly in relation to space and place.

This event is free and open to the public, and the Zoom link will be provided upon registration. RSVP here.

Nov 2, 2022 (Wed) | 12–1PM (EST) | Zoom (RSVP for link)

Please join us for the seventh annual “Speed Data-ing” research collaboration event on November 2, 12–1pm (Eastern). This virtual event will bring together potential collaborators to discuss a range of digital humanities and computational social science research questions, methodologies, and data sets. This year, we will be holding Speed Data-ing in collaboration with the Digital Scholarship Group as a part of the Digital Humanities Open Office Hours series.

Speed Data-ing will feature lightning talks by Northeastern researchers, including several project supported by NULab Seedling and Travel Grants.

This year’s event will include presentations by:

Following the talks, there will be time for questions and discussion among the presenters and attendees. We hope to see you there!

This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. RSVP here.

Nov 9, 2022 (Wed) | 12–1PM (EST) | Zoom (
RSVP for link)

Please join the Digital Scholarship Group and the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks on Wednesday, November 9, 12–1PM (EST) for our annual fall scholarship celebration. This year’s virtual event will feature lightning talks that highlight the diverse array of digital projects and research being carried out at Northeastern. Join us to learn about projects and methods in digital scholarship and meet others interested in or practicing digital scholarship from the Northeastern and Boston DH communities.

The fall scholarship celebration will feature lightning talks by:

Following the talks, there will be time for questions and discussion among the presenters and attendees. We hope to see you there!

This event is free and open to the public, and the Zoom link will be provided upon registration. RSVP here

Oct 6, 2022 (Thu) | 5–8PM (EST) | Curry Student Center

The DSG will be co-hosting a table with the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks at the university-wide Showcase of Opportunities for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor (SOURCE), to be held in the Curry Student Center on Thursday, October 6, 2022, 5–8PM (EST).

There, representatives from the DSG and NULab will be available to answer questions regarding digital humanities research, current digital humanities projects at Northeastern, application to PEAK awards, and how to get involved in the digital humanities at the university.

Sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor in collaboration with the Bouvé College of Health Sciences, College of Arts, Media and Design, College of Engineering, College of Science, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, and Khoury College of Computer Sciences, SOURCE shows students firsthand how faculty members are advancing knowledge and practice in their fields and working across traditional disciplinary boundaries.